Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Future of Media. The three posts are on television, movies, and the future of both.

The Future of Media #79: Television...
(Have I mentioned lately I am NOT much of a blogger.) :)

1.I Visited Hulu and watched a full episode of the Simpsons. There were six episodes and 727 clips available.
2.I have never watched a tv show on my telephone.I just recently got a phone that has video capability. Interesting but I prefer my big screen at home.
3.So far I have watched a few streaming programs or user "channels"...very handy. Never posted videos to a site on a regular basis but again I am looking forward to it soon.

The Future of Media #80: Movies

1.I watched from the Hulu site "The Little Princess", Bette Davis, free, full length.(Hulu didn't recognize the misspelled "Betty Davis".I love Bette Davis...great actress! I watched a little of it...will go back when I have more time. I have watched movies on my computer...very convenient. I still prefer watching DVDs on my TV...due mainly to size of screen.
2.Found on IMDB a trailer for an upcoming film, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"... looks interesting. I use several sites to look up on current film information and no so current film info.
3.I am not ready to use a fee-based services to get the movies you want at home but if I was I would probably use Netflix based on friends/family feedback.

The Future of Media #81: Get out your crystal ball...

1.I think 3D will have the most influence and will have the most effect.

2.Sorry to say I am not a early adopter of every gadget. Lucky for me as a project manager for AT&T (before early retirement) we did have cool communication devices!
I do have less than fond memories of 8 track music players from the past(mainly sentimental) That media is VERY outdated...don;t want it back.

Thanks for the training module...It was fun!

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