Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Searching 2010

Searching. It contains four posts:general search engines; searching for sound effects; searching for images;and searching for videos.
Have I mentioned lately I'm not much of a blogger but a big fan of training/learning new things.

75. Exercises:1) Typed three queries in Blindsearch, hit search, and then vote for the column which I believed best matches. Note: The columns were NOT randomized with my searches.) Although Google rated best in my searches I do think I will try different search engines in the future.
2) Google was #1 on Hitwise that week...way better than its closest competitor & Yes the usage statistics matched my own personal choice of a favorite.
3) Bing has several features I was not aware of. that might be useful...Bing CashBack and Visual Search (Beta).

76. Exercises: Use FindSounds :

Dog , Cow , Cockatoo

2) Used the Simply the Best Sounds site for links below.

animals ,Jungle ,Ocean, Rain

77. Exercises:1. Using AllFreeClipArt, how many clicks did it take to get to a color Santa that doesn’t look like a troll? 3 clicks Santa

,Vintage Santa Father Christmas with gifts

2. “10 Places to Find Free Images Online”. is interesting and different... you can send a request for what you need. It is free & uses volunteer photographers. is very visual...the thumbnails are small, but your search results display quickly, and the photos are great. I searched 'valentine' and received many beautiful choices.

3. HCPL clipart- Checkout the 'child reading while standing on his/her head' illustration...could use for childrens reading time.
Image Credit: Jupiterimages

78.Exercises:1. Search for a particular video using both Truveo and Blinkx.

I searched '2010 Grammy awards', with 3,409 results from Truveo sorted with 4 catagories: Top Ranked, Most Popular, Most Recent & Highest Rated with 12 thumbnails per page. Blinkx showed over 50,000 videos sorted by relevance or date.

2. HCPL’s YouTube channel - our branch has identified over twenty potential video clips, from how to use a flash drive to highlighting author visits, that we will add to the mix. (Both in English and Spanish) See our Video Committee for more details!

Submitting my Registration of Completion. Till next time :)...

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