#85 The Web According to Google #85: Resistance is Futile
1. I use a variety of Google products on a semi-regular basis. I use them because they are basically easier than most. I use Desktop, Earth (great birdseye view),GOOG-411 ( to find & connect for free with businesses from my phone). This is very handy!'Images' are very helpful for our customers at the reference desk. I also use 'igoogle'(to personalize my google homepage), gmail, blogger, and Picassa. Fun and again easy to use.
2. I Checked out Google Labs. Tried 'Follow Finder', Script Converter and Google Translitration. Interesting...glad to know they are there but at this point use will be minimal. Will try back later.
3. Browsed thru Google Books. There are so many choices to search for books on the internet...will add this to the bottom of the list. Not my favorite site but a valued coworker pointed out good examples/experiences she had with Google Books. :)